When Ninjas Attack TP - Midtown Comics
When Ninjas Attack TP
When Ninjas Attack TP

When Ninjas Attack TP

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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Swift and ferocious as a tiger, silent as a hurricane's eye, a ninja assassin cannot be stopped by police, FBI, CIA, or even Homeland Security's TSA agents. Death waits around every corner for the unprepared American. Luckily, When Ninjas Attack reveals the vital information one needs to identify, outwit, and counter-strike against these black-masked killers. The ultimate survival guide, When Ninjas Attack reveals every aspect of ninja existence from ancient rituals to the modern art of ninjutsu, from the strict ninja diet to the countless ninja disguises. The book's most important section delivers the specific survival techniques every layperson needs to withstand a brutal ninja sneak attack. From ninja-proofing a studio apartment to fending off a flying-ninja attack — it's all here. When Ninjas Attack also uncovers unspeakable ninja facts, including the many infamous and unsolved assassinations throughout history that were unknowingly perpetrated by this dark order.

Item #: 1046944 ISBN: 9781569757185

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