Catherines War TP - Midtown Comics
Catherines War TP
Catherines War TP

Catherines War TP

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At the Sèvres Children's Home outside Paris, Rachel Cohen has discovered her passion: photography. Though she's not heard from her parents in months, she loves the people at her school, adores capturing what she sees in pictures, and tries not to worry too much about Hitler's war. But as France buckles under the Nazi regime, danger closes in, and Rachel must change her name and go into hiding. As Catherine Colin, Rachel is faced with leaving the Sèvres Home and the friends she made there behind. But with her beautiful camera, Catherine possesses an object with the power to remember. For the rest of the war, Catherine bears witness to her own journey, and to the countless heroes whose courage and generosity saved the lives of many, including her own. Includes a map and photographs of the real Catherine and her wartime experiences, as well as an interview with author Julia Billet. Available in softcover and hardcover editions.

Item #: 1895322 Diamond code: NOV191765 ISBN: 9780062915597

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