Black Adam Justice Society Files Hawkman #1 (One Shot) Cover A Regular Kaare Andrews Cover - Midtown Comics

Black Adam Justice Society Files Hawkman #1

(One Shot) Cover A Regular Kaare Andrews Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


Long ago, Hawkman was the leader of the Justice Society, but what is he now? Still a hero or another relic in a museum?

Everything changes when he finds himself haunted by not only the past, but also the vengeful spirit of a wayward thief. Will this Gentleman Ghost be the death of Hawkman or will he deliver a warning from beyond the grave?
The road to Black Adam begins here.

Also in this issue: As a pivotal moment in the life of Teth-Adam and his son Hurut begins to unfold in ancient Kahndaq, modern-day Kahndaq meets a new hero—antiquities professor by day, "cultural recovery specialist" by night, Adrianna Tomaz. And unfortunately for Adrianna, she’s about to "liberate" a sacred totem from the wrong interested party—Intergang!

Item #: 2106868 Diamond code: UCS22050030/0522DC030 UPC: 76194137646200111

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