Knight Terrors Green Lantern #1 Cover A Regular Lucio Parrillo Cover - Midtown Comics

Knight Terrors Green Lantern #1

Cover A Regular Lucio Parrillo Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


Back in space to face his greatest fear!
Something is wrong in Sector 2814, and Hal Jordan, Kilowog, and a few other Lanterns must find the mysterious disturbance, despite a ban on any of Earth's Green Lanterns leaving their world. What they discover is a planet controlled by a familiar face--the face of Hal's greatest fear!

And in a backup story, Sinestro finds himself thrust into a new reality that drags him into the darkest corners of his past...and perhaps his future.

Item #: 2217723 Diamond code: UCS23050108/0523DC108 UPC: 76194138098800111

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