Superman Batman Collector Set - Midtown Comics
Superman Batman Collector Set
Superman Batman Collector Set

Superman Batman Collector Set

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


A tale of loyalty and unlikely friendship featuring two of the most recognizable and popular super-heroes on the planet, pairing the Man of Steel with the Dark Knight. The iconic super-heroes unite when longtime Superman enemy Lex Luthor, now President of the United States, accuses Superman of a horrible act against mankind and assembles a top-secret team of powerhouse heroes to bring Superman in--dead or alive. But after the Dark Knight proves Luthor's accusations to be false, he joins with Superman to topple the corrupt President's reign once and for all.

This exclusive gift set includes the best-selling graphic novel plus intricately sculpted, articulated Superman & Batman action figures based directly on the designs of superstar artist Ed McGuinness.

Item #: 41946

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