Clifton Vol 3 Seven Days To Die TP - Midtown Comics
Clifton Vol 3 Seven Days To Die TP
Clifton Vol 3 Seven Days To Die TP

Clifton Vol 3 Seven Days To Die TP

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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Imagine a supercomputer that is perfect in every respect, recently acquired by the “Intelligence Service." It chooses people to eliminate, supplies all the information about the target and sends the killers. Terribly efficient! But it is only a machine, one that isn’t protected from user error. Through the clumsiness of a tech expert, Colonel Clifton is targeted as the next victim for the killers! He finds himself with death at his door and has to come up with an ingenious gem of a plan to save his skin.

Item #: 43453 ISBN: 9781905460083

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