Anime Classics Zettai 100 Must-See Japanese Animation Masterpieces SC - Midtown Comics
Anime Classics Zettai 100 Must-See Japanese Animation Masterpieces SC
Anime Classics Zettai 100 Must-See Japanese Animation Masterpieces SC

Anime Classics Zettai 100 Must-See Japanese Animation Masterpieces SC

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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From AKIRA to YUYU HAKUSHO, anime fans will learn tons of new information about old favorites, or discover films they zettai!! — absolutely — must see! Featuring extended reviews of 100 top Japanese animation films, TV series, and made-for-video series from 1958 to the latest Cartoon Network hits, each entry includes data, personnel, summary, style, critical comments, and viewer-discretion guides.

Item #: 820899 Diamond code: FEB073970

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