Marvel Illustrated Iliad #1 Cover A - Midtown Comics

Marvel Illustrated Iliad #1

Cover A

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


"One of the true cornerstones of Western literature comes to the Marvel Illustrated line! The ancient world is embroiled in a mighty clash of armies; Greek versus Trojan. Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world, has betrayed her husband, the Greek, Menelaus, and fled to Troy with Trojan prince, Paris. The Greeks have sailed to Troy to bring her back...and crush all that stand in their way. This is the first chapter in the saga that virtually defines the word epic. It is a tale of gods and men...heroism and betrayal. From the lips of Homer to the pages of Marvel Illustrated. And we did it just for you!"

Item #: 838843 Diamond code: OCT072066

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