Ray Harryhausen Presents Flying Saucers vs The Earth TP - Midtown Comics
Ray Harryhausen Presents Flying Saucers vs The Earth TP
Ray Harryhausen Presents Flying Saucers vs The Earth TP

Ray Harryhausen Presents Flying Saucers vs The Earth TP

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"Famed sci-fi novel cover artist Alan Brooks bring you Ray Harryhausen's vision of the 1950s cult-classic Earth vs. the Flying Saucers to graphic novel format! Like every planetary invasion, there are two sides of the story. Told from the perspective of the aliens, see why the Sons of Aberann decide to wage war against Earth, and what type of culture spawned their warmongering ways. See them race on their Screamers in the wastelands of their planet while dodging the beastly Dustspeeds! Witness psychedelic alien fortune telling! And see what fate befalls those who cross the Warlord of Aberann!"

Item #: 989670 Diamond code: JUN083735

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