Wind Named Amnesia & Invader Summer Novel - Midtown Comics
Wind Named Amnesia & Invader Summer Novel
Wind Named Amnesia & Invader Summer Novel

Wind Named Amnesia & Invader Summer Novel

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"The Apocalypse didn’t end with a BANG, but with a whimper. Silently, the “amnesia wind” swept away all of mankind’s knowledge. Thousands of years of human civilization vanished overnight as people forgot how to use the tools of modern civilization; who they were—how to speak—everything. Technology decayed as mankind was reduced to an extremely primitive level. Two years after the devastation, a young man explores a nation reduced to barbarism: America. Miraculously re-educated after the cataclysm, a young man is accompanied by a strange woman— somehow spared the obliterating effects of the amnesia wind. Pursued by a relentless killing machine, they search for those responsible for stealing their memories."

Item #: 1057437 Diamond code: FEB080061

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