Destiny Grimoire Anthology Vol 5 Legions Adrift HC - Midtown Comics
Destiny Grimoire Anthology Vol 5 Legions Adrift HC
Destiny Grimoire Anthology Vol 5 Legions Adrift HC

Destiny Grimoire Anthology Vol 5 Legions Adrift HC

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


Destiny Grimoire Anthology, Volume V: Legions Adrift is a curated look at the history of one of humanity's greatest enemies, and now perhaps, potential allies: the Cabal. These stories follow an ancient empire through a time of great change-from the hedonism of Emperor Calus to the ambition of Dominus Ghaul to the vision of Empress Caiatl. What does it mean to be Cabal-to eat the mountains and drink the seas? And with their homeworld lost, what will the Cabal become?

Item #: 2208850 Diamond code: APR231301 ISBN: 9781957721095

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