Strangehaven Vol 2 Brotherhood TP - Midtown Comics
Strangehaven Vol 2 Brotherhood TP
Strangehaven Vol 2 Brotherhood TP

Strangehaven Vol 2 Brotherhood TP

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


Alex Hunter tries to make sense of being trapped in England's weirdest village, the ghost of the beautiful woman who haunts his dreams, and why the villagers celebrate Christmas in mid-summer. The Amazonian Shaman, Megaron, reveals his tribe's deadly cycle of vengeance; and the village's resident extraterrestrial, Adam, explains away the UFO phenomenon, while behind the scenes a clandestine brotherhood pulls the strings. A complex and intriguing journey through romance, mystery, and the supernatural with a twist of bizarre humor, beautifully illustrated with pencil, pen & ink, painted watercolor, and manipulated photographs. Introduction by Heart of Empire creator Bryan Talbot. New, full-color painted cover by Millidge.

Item #: 9075 Diamond code: STAR11407 ISBN: 9780946790050

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