Archie Digest #250 - Midtown Comics

Archie Digest #250

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"When pop star Jessica Simmers asks The Archies to play her high school reunion, the teens are headed for the California sun! While there, they partake of the many Hollywood sights and meet other celebrities, too! This star-studded story, ""The Archies in Beverly Hills,"" comes courtesy of famed ""pop archaeologist"" and celebrity news columnist Hal Lifson! Then, it's a cold winter night, and Archie must choose between the chewy, warm cookies at Betty's house, or the toasty, warm fireplace at Veronica's mansion! Plus, other new and classic tales, pin-up, games, and more, all wrapped behind a Cool-ifornia cover by Rex Lindsey, inspired by the famous Beatles' Abbey Road album cover!"

Item #: 999862 Diamond code: OCT083833

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