Skrull Kill Krew Vol 2 #3 Cover A Regular Mario Alberti Cover (Dark Reign Tie-In) - Midtown Comics

Skrull Kill Krew Vol 2 #3

Cover A Regular Mario Alberti Cover (Dark Reign Tie-In)

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One Wolverine ain’t enough for ya? How about TWO? Depending how our story conference goes might even get three! Evil Skrull scions! Massively malevolent cow meat! And a guy with a gun arm! This over-the-top follow-up to last year’s Secret Invasion continues with the return of more members of the Krew...including a white-supremacist who hasn’t read the paper in about a year.

Item #: 1027093 Diamond code: APR090477 UPC: 75960606687200311

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