Yokan Vol 1 Premonition GN - Midtown Comics
Yokan Vol 1 Premonition GN
Yokan Vol 1 Premonition GN

Yokan Vol 1 Premonition GN

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"Akira, a lead vocalist of a popular band called CHARON, one day he asks Sunaga, a famous actor – also a talented lyrics writer, to write a song for him. Without missing a beat, Sunaga gladly accepts his inquiry but he demands that Akira pays him with his body. Respectably, Sunaga’s sense of music is the best in the industry but his nonchalant and careless attitude towards everything is driving Akira crazy and upset. Akira is just about fed up with Sunaga’s sexual advances towards him with his easygoing attitude, but he can't help himself from feeling something towards him either..."

Item #: 1079876 Diamond code: DEC090830 ISBN: 9781569701607

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