Realm Of Kings Son Of Hulk #2 - Midtown Comics

Realm Of Kings Son Of Hulk #2

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


"Hail Galactus, Herald to the Son of the Hulk?! As the SON OF HULK, Hiro-Kala, sets loose a chain of events that forever alters Jarella's World and threatens the entire sub-atomic Microverse, a vision reveals his future metamorphosis into a god-like being, with an enslaved Galactus at his control! As his dark destiny unfolds, Commander Rann and Princess Mari arrive on the planet K'ai, as Rann's obsessive quest to find an Enigma Force cure to his deadly radiation disease finally takes it's toll...but are they too late?"

Item #: 1068205 Diamond code: JAN100607 UPC: 75960607058900211

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