Happy Cafe Vol 7 GN - Midtown Comics
Happy Cafe Vol 7 GN
Happy Cafe Vol 7 GN

Happy Cafe Vol 7 GN

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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Small klutzy girl gets a job at a cafe run by two older hot guys. She struggles at first but learns to be of use to the cafe and gets close to the male characters. Comedy and Romance abound! Shindo meets an old acquaintance of his mother's and old memories come to the forefront. Uru tries to to cheer him up and they end up hugging, causing them to act awkward afterward. Meanwhile, Mitsuka and Ichiro form an unholy alliance to prevent Uru and Shindo from realizing that they might be in love with each other, but it may be too late!

Item #: 1113080 Diamond code: DEC101065 ISBN: 9781427817365

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