Star Wars Mini-Snaptite Model Kit - Anakins Starfighter - Midtown Comics
Star Wars Mini-Snaptite Model Kit - Anakins Starfighter
Star Wars Mini-Snaptite Model Kit - Anakins Starfighter

Star Wars Mini-Snaptite Model Kit - Anakins Starfighter

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


During the Clone Wars the Jedi Order deployed the single seat, tapered starfighter of the Galactic Republic in large numbers. A typical feature of the Delta-7B starfighter is the position of the astromech droid just fore of the cockpit instead of next to it. The relatively light armament is explained by the Jedi's confidence is his own skills of conflict avoidance. This extremely light, short starfighter is well protected against bombardment. This Revell model kit features quick snap together assembly with no gluing required. No painting is necessary; multicolor painted parts add to the realism.

Item #: 1277046 Diamond code: JUN131982

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