Afterlife With Archie #8 Cover A 1st Ptg Regular Francesco Francavilla Cover - Midtown Comics

Afterlife With Archie #8

Cover A 1st Ptg Regular Francesco Francavilla Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


'Ghosts of Christmas Past.'
Contrary to popular belief, the current zombie outbreak is not the first time a shadow fell across Riverdale and its citizens. As the survivors hunker down in a hotel to wait out a snowstorm, Hiram Lodge and Mary Andrews relive the darkest chapter of their town's history. Ten years ago, the adults of Riverdale struck a terrible bargain with the witches of Greendale, setting the stage for the present-day apocalypse. With a regular cover by Francisco Francavilla and a 'Cheerleader' variant by Andrew Pepoy.

Item #: 1376684 Diamond code: SEP140998 UPC: 76281606624200811

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