Kenya Vol 3 Aberrations GN - Midtown Comics
Kenya Vol 3 Aberrations GN
Kenya Vol 3 Aberrations GN

Kenya Vol 3 Aberrations GN

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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The mysterious events in Kenya are beginning to attract international attention - and maybe too much of it. After reporting to London, Kathy Austin returns to Kenya to continue her investigation. In the palace of Count Di Broglie, the young English woman finally meets the last survivors of the Remington expedition, but they lack material proof to support their stories. Kathy is ordered to obtain information on Irmanius, a rather inquisitive individual who's been snooping around the country. Who is he working for? The Americans, the Russians, or some considerably more foreign power?

Item #: 1427302 Diamond code: APR151301 ISBN: 9781849182287

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