Cartoon Clouds HC - Midtown Comics
Cartoon Clouds HC
Cartoon Clouds HC

Cartoon Clouds HC

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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Cartoon Clouds follows a recent art school graduate and his three friends as they try to navigate that anxiety-fueled time between finishing college and trying to figure out what they're going to do with the rest of their lives. Drawn in a naturalistic style, the philosophical nature of Cartoon Clouds is reminiscent of the films of +ric Rohmer or Noah Baumbach. Joseph Remnant has been a prominent presence in the cartooning scene recently, self-publishing his own comic book Blindspot, illustrating Harvey Pekar's acclaimed Cleveland, and appearing in such magazines as The Believer.

Item #: 1666416 Diamond code: AUG171709 ISBN: 9781606999394

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