Michael Allred Conversations SC - Midtown Comics
Michael Allred Conversations SC
Michael Allred Conversations SC

Michael Allred Conversations SC

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


Michael Allred stands out for his blend of spiritual and philosophical approaches with an art style reminiscent of 1960s era superhero comics, which creates a mixture of both postmodernism and nostalgia. His childhood came during an era where pop art and camp embraced elements of kitsch and pastiche and introduced them into the lexicon of popular culture. Allred's use of both in his work as a cartoonist on his signature comic book Madman in the early 1990s offset the veiled autobiography of his own spiritual journey through Mormonism and struggles with existentialism.

Item #: 1685421 Diamond code: OCT172069 ISBN: 9781496814838

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