X-Men Grand Design X-Tinction #2 Cover B Variant Ed Piskor Cover - Midtown Comics

X-Men Grand Design X-Tinction #2

Cover B Variant Ed Piskor Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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It's here…the final chapter of Marvel's best-selling prestige series X-MEN: GRAND DESIGN! Out with the old and in with the blue and gold as the X-Men enter the radical '90s! Revisit innumerous classic storylines like the return of Jean Grey! The trial of Magneto! X-Tinction Agenda!!! And many, many more! With appearances by Jubilee, Gambit and the Reavers! Brought to life by the multi-hyphenate master of graphic fiction himself, Ed Piskor!
Rated T+

Item #: 1834768 Diamond code: APR190901 UPC: 75960608589700221

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