Undone By Blood Or The Shadow Of A Wanted Man #3 - Midtown Comics

Undone By Blood Or The Shadow Of A Wanted Man #3

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


With a new lead pointing toward her family's killer, Ethel uncovers the sinister secrets hidden beneath the quaint surface of Sweetheart, AZ and its famed high school foot-ball team. But when she sticks her nose where it doesn't belong, the townspeople don't take kindly to it and display their ruthless hospitality. Despite her bruises, Ethel is more determined than ever, and she owes it all to the famed fictional gunslinger, Sol-omon Eaton. Meanwhile, the cowboy faces his own complications in the form of be-trayal and must decide what he values more: companionship or violence.

From the minds of Lonnie Nadler and Zac Thompson (The Dregs, X-Men, HER IN-FERNAL DESCENT) and artist Sami Kivela (Abbot, Tommy Gun Wizards) comes a neo-western that depicts the hard truth of seeking vengeance in the real world.

Item #: 1918973 Diamond code: FEB201411 UPC: 75469798981900311

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