Durarara ReDollars Arc Vol 7 TP - Midtown Comics
Durarara ReDollars Arc Vol 7 TP
Durarara ReDollars Arc Vol 7 TP

Durarara ReDollars Arc Vol 7 TP

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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Dotachin was the victim of a hit-and-run. So say the latest rumors running rampant through the town of Ikebukuro. And when rumors take on life of their own, chaos and confusion rule the roost! Those suspected of the crime, those who avenge crime, those who exploit crime-ambition and desire spiral out of control while the mystery of the Dotachin incident has yet to be resolved!!

Item #: 2099527 Diamond code: APR222022 ISBN: 9781975347222

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