Fantagraphics Underground Stan Macks Real Life Funnies HC - Midtown Comics
Fantagraphics Underground Stan Macks Real Life Funnies HC
Fantagraphics Underground Stan Macks Real Life Funnies HC

Fantagraphics Underground Stan Macks Real Life Funnies HC

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


Written by

Art by

Sketchbook in hand, Stan Mack haunted the New York City environs, watching, listening, overhearing, and interviewing its inhabitants. He drew a comic strip every week based on what he saw and heard, famously using verbatim dialogue for his graphic dramatizations. A mixture of humor, spontaneity, serendipity, and weirdness, Mack's comic strip snapshots caught New Yorkers -whether it is an extortionist calligrapher, a baby evading arrest at her first protest, a stroll up Broadway with a ferret, an evening with a male liberationist, or an unlucky-in-love dolphin trainer- being who they are in all their unguarded and uninhibited glory.

Item #: 2292843 Diamond code: JAN241655 ISBN: 9781683969167

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