Resurgence Of The Valiant Universe X-O Manowar #1 (One Shot) Cover B Variant Leo Lujan Cover - Midtown Comics

Resurgence Of The Valiant Universe X-O Manowar #1

(One Shot) Cover B Variant Leo Lujan Cover

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Explore the essence of Aric, X-O Manowar. A time-displaced Visigoth warrior turned superhero by a sentient alien armor, Aric is now separated from his powerful ally of armor, Shanhara. Stranded in an alien jungle, he must survive while being hunted by the force that once empowered him. Can Aric endure this ultimate challenge and prove his heroism without Shanhara?

Item #: 2365133 Diamond code: SEP241363 UPC: 73238819044700121

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