Yoko Tsuno Vol 2 Time Spiral TP - Midtown Comics
Yoko Tsuno Vol 2 Time Spiral TP
Yoko Tsuno Vol 2 Time Spiral TP

Yoko Tsuno Vol 2 Time Spiral TP

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"Back in Borneo, the place where she grew up, Yoko Tsuno comes across some unusual occurrences. While she visits some temple ruins, two men come out of the jungle and track the prints on the ground. Yoko stays out of sight and sees a strange machine materialising. A young girl gets out. One of the two men tries to kill her but Yoko stops them and saves her! She says she comes from the 39th Century on a mission to arrest a certain Stephen Webbs who has devoted himself to research that will give birth to a ‘contraction bomb’, the one that will destroy our earth and all humanity in 3872! (C: 0-1-2)"

Item #: 924979 Diamond code: NOV073437

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