Guin Saga Vol 3 Battle Of Nospherus - Midtown Comics
Guin Saga Vol 3 Battle Of Nospherus
Guin Saga Vol 3 Battle Of Nospherus

Guin Saga Vol 3 Battle Of Nospherus

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"The knights of Mongaul have crossed the River Kes. From Tauride and Talos and Alvon, from Torus they come, the blue, the black, the red and the white. The Sem ape-men of Nospherus must end their bickering and unite to repel the Mongauli, or perish. With them, by a curious turn of Jarn's loom, are a lost priest kingdom's fugitive twins and a warrior with the head of a leopard. Guin."

Item #: 956443

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