Buddha Story Of Enlightenment #2 - Midtown Comics

Buddha Story Of Enlightenment #2

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"Adapted from the New Yorks Times Bestselling Novel by Deepak Chopra. Every legend has a beginning. And every story has a hero. Based on the timeless tale of the man who became the leader and inspiration for millions, BUDDHA takes you on the metaphysically transcendent journey through the mind and life of one of the most iconic spiritual figures in the world. Destined to be a great king, but yearning for something more, BUDDHA leaves his home, family, and everything he ever knew to pursue what ultimately becomes a quest to find the true meaning of existence. Of living and dying. And answering that age old question: what does it all mean? This book will feature an extended Gatefold Centre Spread illustration. "

Item #: 963097 Diamond code: FEB084103

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