Operation Liberate Men Vol 3 GN - Midtown Comics
Operation Liberate Men Vol 3 GN
Operation Liberate Men Vol 3 GN

Operation Liberate Men Vol 3 GN

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"Sooha attempts a daring escape from her prison cell only to meet a menacing old woman who strangely possesses knowledge of all her secrets. The old woman tells Sooha that Esana had given up half of his life to save her, leaving the bewildered girl wondering what this new mystery holds. Damien finds Sooha and helps her back to the Male Liberation Army headquarters. However, she discovers that no safety can be found even among their ranks. After all, she’s a woman mistaken for a man hiding within a hostile army of men sworn to bring down the female hierarchy of the Para Empire. And some, including the uncompromising Damien, are beginning to suspect her secret!"

Item #: 964347 Diamond code: FEB083937

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