Faceless Ghost And Other Macabre Tales From Japan GN - Midtown Comics
Faceless Ghost And Other Macabre Tales From Japan GN
Faceless Ghost And Other Macabre Tales From Japan GN

Faceless Ghost And Other Macabre Tales From Japan GN

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


Over one hundred years ago, the writer Lafcadio Hearn gathered and translated into English a selection of traditional Japanese ghost/mystery stories. They were published as Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things. In this new graphic novel, acclaimed manga creator Sean Michael Wilson retells six of these stories. All of them are very well known in Japan, where ghosts and demons are often called yokai, meaning 'the mysterious and weird.' Today these stories find expression mostly in movies and manga, but they remain rooted in the traditional ghost stories of the Edo-era known as kaidan, which means 'recited narrative of strange, mysterious, rare, or bewitching apparitions.'

Item #: 1482569 Diamond code: SEP151574 ISBN: 9781611801972

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