Namibia Episode 1 GN - Midtown Comics
Namibia Episode 1 GN
Namibia Episode 1 GN

Namibia Episode 1 GN

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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Namibia, 1949. Three years after the Nuremberg trials, a white man is photographed in the middle of a corn field: it's Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring, who's supposed to have committed suicide in his cell. Worried about the geopolitical implications of the discovery, MI5 sends Kathy Austin to Namibia. There, along with her new partner, a grumpy, misogynistic, racist old war horse, Kathy begins an investigation where the threat of Nazi resurgence soon makes way before more frightening - and unexplainable - phenomena.

Item #: 1517095 Diamond code: FEB161329 ISBN: 9781849182812

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