Giant-Size Black Cat Infinity Score #1 (One Shot) Cover D Incentive Dave Johnson Unlucky Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Giant-Size Black Cat Infinity Score #1

(One Shot) Cover D Incentive Dave Johnson Unlucky Variant Cover

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  • This is it, the grand climax to INFINITE DESTINIES and INFINITY SCORE and the totality of BLACK CAT from the past two years, all in this oversize special!
  • Black Cat has brought half of the Infinity Stones together, collecting a level of power that hasn't been seen in years! But to what end?
  • This hasn't taken her out of the crosshairs of Nick Fury OR Nighthawk and with the Infinity Stones involved, can Thanos be far behind?!

Item #: 2044623 Diamond code: SEP210851 UPC: 75960620207200131

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