Sham Comics Vol 2 #1 - Midtown Comics

Sham Comics Vol 2 #1

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


Written by

Art by

Weird tales of magic and mayhem from the past, present, and future!
Rewritten by Tim Fuller with art by Bob Powell, Wayne Reid, Doug Wildey,
Jack Kirby, and Jay Gee!
Change your point of view with a dose of Sham-a-Rama. Visit a haunted
house with Bozo the Robot. Tour the Fourth Dimension with some
confirmed batchlors. Thrill as Conad the Aryan Barbarian battles a big ol'
spider, and more!
Brought to you by the fine folks at AntiOxydol, the all-natural breakfast/
detergent, Dane Cook's Used Jokes, and Mickey Mantle's Old Balls.

Item #: 2083697 Diamond code: FEB221702 UPC: 76173600829500111

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