Star Trek Shipyards Encyclopedia Of Star Trek Ships Alpha Quadrant And Major Races Vol 2 Lysian To Romulan HC - Midtown Comics
Star Trek Shipyards Encyclopedia Of Star Trek Ships Alpha Quadrant And Major Races Vol 2 Lysian To Romulan HC
Star Trek Shipyards Encyclopedia Of Star Trek Ships Alpha Quadrant And Major Races Vol 2 Lysian To Romulan HC

Star Trek Shipyards Encyclopedia Of Star Trek Ships Alpha Quadrant And Major Races Vol 2 Lysian To Romulan HC

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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This volume, chronicling the starships of the Star Trek universe, features over 35 ships, including the Merchantman, Minosian Echo Papa 207, Nausicaan Raider, Norkova, Peliar Zel Beta Moon Vessel, Planet Killer, Promellian Battlecruiser, Reman Scimitar, Rigelian Freighters, and the Romulan D7, Science Vessel, "Snakehead" Ship, D'Deridex Class, and Valdore.

Item #: 2092437 Diamond code: MAR221673 ISBN: 9781801260510

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