Starman Congorilla One Shot - Midtown Comics

Starman Congorilla One Shot

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In this tie-in to the 'JLA Omega' storyline, the new blue and gold team of Congorilla and Mikaal Tomas work to unlock the secrets behind the toxic Omega Man's dark energy, which encases Washington D.C. To do this they must embark on a quest to find the Fountain of Youth, encountering diverse heroes from the DCU along the way including Animal Man, Sirocco and a certain wonder dog named Rex. And all the while, Mikaal and Congorilla must outrun and outwit a cadre of terrorist assassins from Gorilla City. This is a breakneck chase through the DCU, but with a serious end-goal - saving the lives of their fellow members of the JLA! ONE-SHOT.

Item #: 1107413 Diamond code: NOV100149 UPC: 76194130207200111

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