Transformers Bumblebee Bee Vision AR Mask - Midtown Comics
Transformers Bumblebee Bee Vision AR Mask
Transformers Bumblebee Bee Vision AR Mask

Transformers Bumblebee Bee Vision AR Mask

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


Bee Vision tech puts kids inside a digital world where they AR The Hero. It's an awesome, immersive experience that lets kids see through the eyes of Bumblebee and harness his power like never before. Mind = Blown. Join in on epic Bumblebee adventures with the Bee Vision Bumblebee Augmented Reality Experience, including the Bee Vision Bumblebee AR mask, AR goggles, gauntlet, and 3 AR markers. As the experience is unleashed, kids can adventure through 10 levels of play, battling evil Decepticons and facing off in a final showdown with the merciless Megatron.See the action through the optics of Bumblebee with Bee Vision. AR you ready?

Item #: 1802665 Diamond code: DEC182635 UPC: 630509652877

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