Sacred Six #12 Cover E Variant Ergun Gunduz Cover - Midtown Comics

Sacred Six #12

Cover E Variant Ergun Gunduz Cover

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All good things must come to an end, and that includes the saga of Sacred Six!

Leviticus, agent of the City of Sacred, is hellbent (get it?) on destroying the monsters and other undead denizens of Ashthorne, but the Six may have something to say about that.

Meanwhile, the mystery of the Gardener is revealed and a member of the Six must forever silence her conscience - or her teammates!

CHRISTOPHER PRIEST and FRITZ CASAS' epic comes to a dramatic close, but also raises the question: is an ending ever TRULY an ending?

Item #: 2012414 Diamond code: MAY210905 UPC: 72513029224712051

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