Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (BOOM Studios) #109 Cover E Incentive Taurin Clarke Virgin Cover - Midtown Comics

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (BOOM Studios) #109

Cover E Incentive Taurin Clarke Virgin Cover

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As fans eagerly await the epic 30th anniversary of the airing of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the horrifying truth of the Vessel finally revealed to Zordon and the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, but the last person they want to fight shatters their odds of success.

But it's not only heroes that clash with each other-villains too, in a brutal battle that will pit former allies against each other, and ultimately unearth long-buried secrets that readers have been dying to know!

Item #: 2209602 Diamond code: APR230362 UPC: 84428400886009051

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