Power Rangers Unlimited Hyperforce #1 (One Shot) Cover D Incentive Inhuk Lee Virgin Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Power Rangers Unlimited Hyperforce #1

(One Shot) Cover D Incentive Inhuk Lee Virgin Variant Cover

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Celebrate the Rangers' 30th Anniversary as prolific Power Rangers storyteller Melissa Flores and acclaimed writer, media personality and voice of the HyperForce Pink Ranger in the HyperForce RPG, Meghan Camarena (Radiant Pink), bring the fan-favorite HyperForce Rangers from the screen to the page-for their first dedicated full-length story since their morphinominal first season!

Mistress Vile, formerly known as Rita Repulsa, and Dark Specter have invaded the Morphin Grid, but it will take far more than just the Mighty Morphin and Omega Rangers to stop them!

As the dark contagion spreads and puts the Rangers in their most vulnerable state yet, the HyperForce Rangers will have to scour the multiverse for as many unexpected allies as they can, while they're pushed to their limits…

Item #: 2217947 Diamond code: MAY230341 UPC: 84428400956001041

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