Superman 78 The Metal Curtain #1 Cover C Variant Action Comics Superman McFarlane Toys Action Figure Card Stock Cover - Midtown Comics

Superman 78 The Metal Curtain #1

Cover C Variant Action Comics Superman McFarlane Toys Action Figure Card Stock Cover

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When the planet Krypton exploded, its last son was rocketed across the cosmos and came to settle in a small town in Kansas. But what else came with him, and what if a piece of his home landed somewhere we never knew about?

As Superman has become a symbol of strength and pride for America, the Soviet Union looks to crush that image with a creation of their own, built by their own might and forged by their own power!

Robert Venditti returns to the Man of Steel with new artist Gavin Guidry!

Item #: 2251811 Diamond code: UCS23090034/0923DC034 UPC: 76194137692900161

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