Disney Hercules #5 Cover A Regular George Kambadais Cover - Midtown Comics

Disney Hercules #5

Cover A Regular George Kambadais Cover

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As the crisis of the missing gods grows ever more alarming, Hercules, Meg, and Phil decide to seek the counsel of Athena, goddess of victory and wisdom. But once again our heroes are one step behind the mysterious malefactor who has been plaguing Mount Olympus. Athena's temple is deserted - and filled with signs of an epic struggle!

Athena's disappearance is the final straw for Herc, and he sets out with Galatea to confront their chief suspect, Hades, on his home turf in the underworld. But what they find in that shadowy realm is even more frightening than its countless legions of the dead!

Emmy Award-winning writer ELLIOTT KALAN (The Daily Show) and star Gargoyles artist GEORGE KAMBADAIS retrace Orpheus's famous footsteps in Hercules #5 - illuminated by covers from KAMBADAIS, MATTEO LOLLI, FRANCESCO TOMASELLI, and ALESSANDRO RANALDI!


Item #: 2345713 Diamond code: JUL240201 UPC: 72513034309305011

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