Fence Challengers Sweet Sixteen #1 (One Shot) Cover B Variant Kody Okamoto Cover - Midtown Comics

Fence Challengers Sweet Sixteen #1

(One Shot) Cover B Variant Kody Okamoto Cover

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The Kings Row fencing team has made it all the way to the final sixteen in the tournament! But now they have to face the best of the best...

It's Seiji against Marcus, the fencer who made him fall in love with the sport to begin with; and Nick vs. Kyle LaCoste, under the watchful eye of none other than his estranged father.

C.S. Pascat's acclaimed sports-romance returns with the next thrilling installment of the GLAAD Media Award-nominated Fence!

Item #: 2384475 Diamond code: NOV240116 UPC: 84428401245401021

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