Savage Vol 2 #3 Cover C Variant Paco Diaz Pre-Order Edition - Midtown Comics

Savage Vol 2 #3

Cover C Variant Paco Diaz Pre-Order Edition

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Mad geniuses Max Bemis (Worst X-Man Ever) and Nate Stockman (Spidey) take you to a magical place filled with sun, fun, and...monsters trying to eat you????

SAVAGE has run away from the lights and cameras and super hero responsibilities from London and created his own make-shift home in the tropics.

Unfortunately, the twisted Professor Nealon and Project Bizarre's quest to unleash the creatures from the odd dimension known as the Faraway beyond the British Isles -the Giant Dinos have gone GLOBAL!

Can SAVAGE stop Project Bizarre's diabolical plan... or will dinosaurs rule the Earth once again?

Item #: 1992091 Diamond code: FEB211598 UPC: 85899200378900341

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